#002 Chislehurst, kent 5k/10k


5K Race - Winning Checkpoint order 




 Top 3

Over 35 Race

- 1st-  20MBR - Time: 29:41 -  (Checkpoint order in image)

- J 2nd - 12HCH and 18NHE - Time: 46:32 (4-3-2-1-5-6-7-8)  

- 4th- 23RDU - Time 57:40 (1-4-2-3-7-6-5-8)

- 5th- 22SSM - Time 1:46:19 (5-6-7-3-2-4-1-8)






 Top 3

Over 35 Race

- J1st place-  40HTE and 34SCR - Time: 1:01:28 (Checkpoint order in image) 

- 3rd- 13TEV  - Time: 1:11:06 (1-2-3-5-6-4-7-8-9-10-11-12-13-14)

-J4th- 9GBL and 35BHA- Time: 1:11:16  (1-2-3-5-6-7-8-9-10-12-13-11-4-14)

-5th- 47SSM- Time:  1:42:40 (1-13-12-11-10-9-8-7-6-5-3-2-4-14)

-6th- 44DBR- Time: 1:43:29 (2-9-10-11-8-7-4-3-6-5-13-12-1-14)

-7th- 38PKE- Time: 2:16:07 (1-13-11-12-10-9-8-6-5-3-2-7-4-14)


A big thank you to all those that came out and ran on what for the most part was a crisp, sunny morning.  We learnt a load in terms of making these events better and the feedback from you all was really positive which is great!  We will be coming back to the Chislehurst area sometime in the summer and we also had some great suggestions on other areas to host a Pulse Race




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